姓 名:申旭辉 
性 别:男
学 历:博士研究生
学 位:博士
职 称:研究员
(1) 国家民用航天预研计划项目,地震电磁卫星关键技术预研,2005-2007,主持人,180万。
(2) 国际科技交流合作计划重点项目,地震电磁卫星观测技术、数据处理与应用,2007-2009, 主持人,670万。
(3) 国家科技支撑计划重点项目基于空间对地观测的地震监测预报与应用示范,2008-2011,主持人,1882万。
(4) 高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项应用系统项目,地震遥感监测与应急应用示范工程,2010-2020,主持人,4500万。
(5) 民用航天重点科研计划项目,张衡一号电磁监测试验卫星工程,2013-2018,主持人,53449万。
(6) 国家重点研发计划项目,地球物理场卫星数据处理技术与应用示范,2019-2022,主持人,1664万。
(7) 民用空间基础设施重点项目:张衡一号02卫星工程,2019-2023,主持人,43779万。
(1) Shen Xuhui, Zeren Zhima, Yuan Shigeng, Dai Jianping, Huang Jianping, Zhu Xinghong, Yang Yanyan, Yan Rui, Zhao Shufan, Liu Dapeng, Zhang Zhenxia, Wang Qiao, Chu Wei, Lu Hengxin, Xu Song, Guo Feng, Tan Qiao, Li Wenjing, Zhou Na. The CSES Mission and its Preliminary Results. Aerospace China, 2020, 21(01): 5-18.
(2) Shen Xuhui, Zeren Zhima, Yuan Shigeng, Dai Jianping, Huang Jianping, Zhu Xinghong, Yang Yanyan, Yan Rui, Zhao Shufan, Liu Dapeng, Zhang Zhenxia, Wang Qiao, Chu Wei, Lu Hengxin, Xu Song, Guo Feng, Tan Qiao, Li Wenjing, Zhou Na. Current Status and Main Scientific Results of In-flight CSES Mission. Chin. J. Space Sci., 2020, 40(5): 662-678. DOI:10.11728/cjss2020.05.662.
(3) Yanyan Yang,Gauthier Hulot,Pierre Vigneron,Xuhui Shen,Zhima Zeren,Bin Zhou, Werner Magnes, Nils Olsen, Lars T➢ffner-Clausen,Jianpin Huang, Xuemin Zhang, Shigeng Yuan, Lanwei Wang, Bingjun Cheng,Andreas Pollinger,Roland Lammegger, Jianpin Dai, Jun Lin, Feng Guo, Jingbo Yu, Jie Wang, Yingyan Wu, Xudong Zhao, Xinghong Zhu (2021), The CSES Global Geomagnetic Field Model (CGGM): An IGRF type global geomagnetic field model based on data from the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite, Earth, Planets and Space, in press, 10.1186/s40623-020-01316-w
(4) Jie Wang, Xuhui Shen, Yanyan Yang, et al. 2020. Initial scalar lithospheric magnetic anomaly map of China and surrounding regions derived from CSES satellite data. Science China: Technological Sciences (Accepted).
(5) Wang, J.; Yao, C.; Li, Z.; Zheng, Y.; Shen, X.; Zeren, Z.; Liu, W. 3D inversion of the Sichuan Basin magnetic anomaly in South China and its geological significance. Earth Planets and Space. 2020, 72, doi: 10.1186/s40623-020-01167-5.
(6) Shufan Zhao, Xuhui Shen, Chen Zhou, Li Liao, Zeren Zhima, Feng Wang, The influence of the ionospheric disturbance on the groundbased VLF transmitter signal recorded by LEO satellite–Insight from full wave simulation. Results in Physics, DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2020.103391.
(7) Zhao, S.; Shen, X.; Zhima, Z.; Zhou, C. The very low-frequency transmitter radio wave anomalies related to the 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake observed by the DEMETER satellite and the possible mechanism. Ann. Geophys.-Germany. 2020, 38, 969-81, doi: 10.5194/angeo-38-969-2020.
(8) Huang, J.; Shen, X.; Li, W.; Chu, W. Energetic Particle Flux Variations around magnetic storm and huge earthquake. Ann. Geophys.-Italy. 2020, 63, doi: 10.4401/ag-7933.
(9) Zhao, S.; Shen, X.; Liao, L.; Zhima, Z.; Zhou, C.; Wang, Z.; Cui, J.; Lu, H. Investigation of Precursors in VLF Subionospheric Signals Related to Strong Earthquakes (M > 7) in Western China and Possible Explanations. Remote Sens.-Basel. 2020, 12, doi: 10.3390/rs12213563.
(10) Jing, F.; Singh, R.P.; Shen, X. Land - Atmosphere - Meteorological coupling associated with the 2015 Gorkha (M 7.8) and Dolakha (M 7.3) Nepal earthquakes. Geomat. Nat. Haz. Risk. 2019, 10, 1267-84, doi: 10.1080/19475705.2019.1573629.
(11) Liu, Q.; Shen, X.; Zhang, J.; Li, M. Exploring the abnormal fluctuations of atmospheric aerosols before the 2008 Wenchuan and 2013 Lushan earthquakes. Adv. Space Res. 2019, 63, 3768-76, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2019.01.032.
(12) Cui, J.; Shen, X.; Zhang, J.; Ma, W.; Chu, W. Analysis of spatiotemporal variations in middle-tropospheric to upper-tropospheric methane during the Wenchuan M-S=8.0 earthquake by three indices. Nat. Hazard. Earth Sys. 2019, 19, 2841-54, doi: 10.5194/nhess-19-2841-2019.
(13) 申旭辉,张学民,崔静,周新,姜文亮,龚丽霞,李永生,刘芹芹,. 中国地震遥感应用研究与地球物理场探测卫星计划, 2018, 遥感学报, 22: 1-16.
(14) Shen, X., Zhang, X., Yuan, S., Wang, L., Cao, J., Huang, J., Zhu, X., Piergiorgio, P., Dai, J., (2018). The state-of-the-art of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite mission, Science China Technological Sciences, 61(5): 634-642.
(15) Shen, X., Q. G. Zong, X. Zhang, Introduction to special section on the China Seismo‐Electromagnetic Satellite and initial results, Earth and Planetary Physics, 2018,2(6), 439-443.
(16) Lin, J.; Shen, X.; Hu, L.; Wang, L.; Zhu, F. CSES GNSS ionospheric inversion technique, validation and error analysis. Sci. China Technol. Sc. 2018, 61, 669-77, doi: 10.1007/s11431-018-9245-6.
(17) Shen, X.; Zong, Q.; Zhang, X. Introduction to special section on the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite and initial results. Earth and Planetary Physics. 2018, 2, 439-43, doi: 10.26464/epp2018041.
(18) Huang, J.; Shen, X.; Zhang, X.; Lu, H.; Tan, Q.; Wang, Q.; Yan, R.; Chu, W.; Yang, Y.; Liu, D.; et al.. Application system and data description of the China Seismo-Electromagnetic Satellite. Earth and Planetary Physics. 2018, 2, 444-54, doi: 10.26464/epp2018042.
(19) Yan, R.; Shen, X.; Huang, J.; Wang, Q.; Chu, W.; Liu, D.; Yang, Y.; Lu, H.; Xu, S. Examples of unusual ionospheric observations by the CSES prior to earthquakes. Earth and Planetary Physics. 2018, 2, 515-26, doi: 10.26464/epp2018050.
(20) Xiong, P.; Shen, X. Outgoing longwave radiation anomalies analysis associated with different types of seismic activity. Adv. Space Res. 2017, 59, 1408-15, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2016.12.011.
(21) Shen, X.; Zhima, Z.; Zhao, S.; Qian, G.; Ye, Q.; Ruzhin, Y. VLF radio wave anomalies associated with the 2010 Ms 7.1 Yushu earthquake. Adv. Space Res. 2017, 59, 2636-2644, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2017.02.040.
(22) Shen Xuhui, Zhang Xuemin. (2017). The spatial distribution of hydrogen ions at topside ionosphere in local daytime. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 28(6): 1009-1017.
(23) Shen Xuhui. Develop electromagnetic monitoring satellites and advance the construction of space-based seismic observation systems, Overview of Disaster Prevention, 2017, 62-65.
(24) Shen, X.; Zhang, X. The spatial distribution of hydrogen ions at topside ionosphere in local daytime. Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. 2017, 28, 1009-17, doi: 10.3319/TAO.2017.06.30.01.
(25) Shen, X. H., Zhang, X., Liu, J., Zhao, S.F., Yuan, G.P.Analysis of the enhanced negative correlation between electron density and electron temperature related to earthquakes. Annales Geophysicae, 2015, 33(4): 471-479.
(26) Xiong, P.; Shen, X.; Gu, X.; Meng, Q.; Zhao, L.; Zhao, Y.; Li, Y.; Dong, J. Seismic infrared anomalies detection in the case of the Wenchuan earthquake using bi-angular advanced along-track scanning radiometer data. Ann. Geophys.-Italy. 2015, 58, doi: 10.4401/ag-6706.
(27) Xiong, P.; Shen, X.; Gu, X.; Meng, Q.; Bi, Y.; Zhao, L.; Zhao, Y.; Li, Y.; Dong, J. Satellite detection of IR precursors using bi-angular advanced along-track scanning radiometer data: a case study of Yushu earthquake. Earthquake Science. 2015, 28, 25-36, doi: 10.1007/s11589-015-0111-6.
(28) Zhang, X.; Shen, X.; Yuan, G. The solar cycle variations of plasma parameters and their correlations at topside ionosphere from DEMETER during 2005-2010. Adv. Space Res. 2015, 56, 1374-88, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2015.06.038.
电子邮件:xuhuishen@ninhm.ac.cn, shenxuhui@vip.sina.com
办公电话: 010-62914154