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学科与研究生处组织研究生参加IGCP-724 “Fluid geochemistry and earthquake forecasting”培训


学科与研究生处组织研究生参加IGCP-724 “Fluid geochemistry and earthquake forecasting”培训


为提高研究生学术水平,开拓研究生国际视野,2022年1019-10月21日,学科与研究生处组织学生参加了中国地震局地震预测研究所组织举办的IGCP-724 “Fluid geochemistry and earthquake forecasting培训。

本次培训共有预测研究所李营教授、防灾科技学院谷洪彪教授、巴勒莫国家地球物理和火山学研究所Antonio Caracausi教授等八位专家作报告,题目分别为Seismic fluid geochemistry and its application in earthquake monitoring and forecasting”、“Modeling earthquake effects on groundwater levels ”、“Noble gases as geochemical tracers of earth dynamics”、“General earthquake forecasting and its history in Iran and the present activities ”、“General earthquake forecasting and its history in Iran and the present activities ”、“Isotope Geochemistry of Geothermal Fluids (at the Himalayan Syntaxes)”、“Geochemistry of fluids in Eastern and SouthCentral Australia: implications for fluid-fault relationships ”、“Tracing the origin of solute components in water using the isotopic techniques–opportunities and critical challenges,我校学生认真听取报告,效果良好。 









地址:北京东燕郊开发区学院街防灾科技学院学科与研究生处      邮编:101601
